Our Mission
The mission of IBEW Local 43
Political Action Committee (PAC) is to increase value to our members voice and raise political
awareness through unity, education, and action.
Brothers and Sisters,
It is that time of year again for us to step up and exercise our right to vote. Since the founding of the IBEW in 1891,
our most powerful tools—our local unions and our voices—have been essential in raising the standard of living for all of us.
Your participation matters! Our members have consistently stood up for what is right, engaging in phone banks, canvasses,
and rallies to support candidates who champion union causes. These local efforts not only benefit our immediate
communities but also make a positive impact on workers’ rights everywhere.
Thank you for your unwavering participation in the IBEW’s political action program. It is crucial to our growth and our
future. With our very way of life under attack, we need every member’s support to win the fight for the working men and
women of the IBEW. We can make a difference!
Your Local Union PAC Committee, Union Officers, along with the Central & Northern NY Building and Construction Trades Council,
and the Mohawk Valley & Central New York AFL-CIO Labor Council, have screened and recommend these candidates who support our issues.
Please exercise your rights. Vote November 5th 2024.
Or even better, Early Vote October 26th - November 3rd 2024 CLICK HERE FOR INFO
Alan Marzullo
Business Manager