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About the IBEW and Local 43

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represent over 800,000 workers throughout the United States and Canada in all phases of the electrical industry.

With over 40 contractors signatory to our contracts within the areas of commercial/industrial and residential construction as well as the teledata field, work opportunities abound. Our training is recognized as some of the finest anywhere and the feeling of being part of the IBEW's legacy, which dates back over 125 years, must be experienced to be appreciated.

The pride and workmanship of our skilled craftsmen is evident in every project we're a part of.

Electricians of Local 43

It is a primary goal of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 43, to enhance the quality of life of its members. Whether a member needs specific assistance or general information, chances are we can help. Skill development, education, safety programs, pension investments and other important services can be tapped easily within our Local.

Local 43 represents nearly 1500 + hard-working men and women in these six counties of New York: Cortland, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego and parts of Cayuga, Chenango, Otsego, Tompkins and Wayne counties.

We hold a firm resolve to provide our contractors with the highest quality of skilled and trained electricians, apprentices and technicians in the industry. The Local offers all of its electricians ongoing, continuous training, and we pride ourselves on our ability to keep our Apprentices, Journeyman Wireman up to date and knowledgeable on the latest technologies and work processes.

The heart of our training is our CNY ETA (Electrical Training Alliance) program. It is a regimented training program that assures competency in the standardized skills needed to be an electrician. Upon the completion of the program, our apprentices go to work armed with the skills that have, by that time, become second nature to them.

IBEW Activities

Many IBEW officers and staff members serve for the betterment, enrichment and protection of this continent by serving on government committees in the United States and Canada.

The Brotherhood is a leader in safety matters and plays an active role in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Safety Council (NSC), and Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) on issues in the United States and Canada.

The IBEW and its members work cooperatively with youth organizations and support the Vocational Industrial Clubs of America and the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America.

IBEW members support and contribute generously of their time and money to international, national and local charitable, educational, health and relief causes.

The IBEW annually offers its members a maximum of 12 scholarships for university study leading to a bachelor's degree in a wide range of fields. Many local unions also award scholarships to their members or their members' children.

What is the IBEW ?

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is an organization made up of nearly one million men and women just like you -- engaged in every type of employment. Their needs and goals are the same as yours; however, they have personal strength and human dignity that come from belonging to a world-respected labor organization which helps its members to better their lives.

IBEW members stand united in local unions in all 50 of the United States.

The growth of our great modern industrial economy is directly related to the growth of electronics and to the use of electrical energy. Thus, IBEW members are an essential part of this progress: "Electricity and the IBEW equals Progress and Prosperity."

The IBEW provides imaginative, responsible leadership and has an outstanding reputation for being a progressive union. It is an important member of the AFL-CIO family of unions. IBEW has constantly and consistently worked through the years to better the wages and working conditions of its members and to create a society in which social justice and human dignity are a reality to all citizens. IBEW protects members by insisting upon realistic safety standards, and opportunities for training and skills improvement which results in increased job security and higher wages. In addition, the IBEW maintains an interest in its members beyond their active working years. It offers special assistance in negotiating local pension plans.

There are many other reasons why the IBEW is one of the AFL-CIO's largest and fastest growing unions. These include an organization and an experienced staff for negotiating the best possible collective bargaining agreements, numerous labor education programs specially suited to members' needs, and the IBEW Founders' Scholarship program for providing qualified members with the opportunity for a college education.

Membership Development

Every workplace has conflicts. Whether it's low salaries, poor benefits, or concern about working conditions. In most places today, workers have come to accept these problems as part of the requirements of having their job.

In a unionized workplace, employees have a collective bargaining agreement that spells out the wages, benefits, and working conditions for all union employees in that organization who are covered by the contract. It also provides a “grievance and arbitration procedure,” for settling disputes between workers and management. The grievance procedure helps members get a fair hearing when they have complaints or disputes about their working conditions.

With a union, workers become stronger. The larger the number of union workers who organize, the more strength they are able to gain in seeking fairness no matter what conditions they encounter at work.

If you would like more information on organizing a union, or becoming a member, please feel free to contact us at 315-422-0435. You may also use our Membership Development Contact Form.

Become a Member

If you would like to join our Local... you need to fill out an Authorization Card. (click card for the big pic) Signing this card means we want a union so we can negotiate a contract with our employer covering our wages, hours, and working conditions. It means we want a process where employees have a meaningful voice in our workplace and are no longer satisfied to leave all the important decisions up to management.

Signing this card gives us the right to have an open and free election without company intimidation. It gives us the right to decide for ourselves if we want a voice in our workplace and our future.

IBEW Local Union 43 Wage Rates and Fringe Benefits Contributions
Effective June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025
Commercial Rate Pension Annuity Health ETA NEBF LMCC NLMCC AMF Work Dues
Journeyman Wireman $47.00 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $01.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
SubForeman +5% $49.35 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Foreman +15% $54.04 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Gen Foreman +30% $61.10 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Lead Gen Foreman +35% $63.45 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross

Apprentice Rate Pension Annuity Health ETA NEBF LMCC NLMCC AMF Work Dues
1st Period 40% of JW $18.80 N/A N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 3% Gross
2nd Period 45% of JW $21.25 N/A N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 3% Gross
3rd Period 50% of JW $23.50 $11.58 $3.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
4th Period 60% of JW $28.20 $11.58 $3.60 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
5th Period 70% of JW $32.90 $11.58 $4.20 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
6th Period 80% of JW $37.60 $11.58 $4.80 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross

Teledata Rate Pension Annuity Health ETA NEBF LMCC NLMCC AMF Work Dues
JW Technician $47.00 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
SubForeman +5% $49.35 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Foreman +15% $54.05 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Gen Foreman +30% $61.10 $11.58 $6.00 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross
Lead Gen Foreman +35% $63.45 $11.58 $6.60 $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 5% Gross

Residential Rate Pension Annuity Health ETA NEBF LMCC NLMCC AMF Work Dues
Residential Wireman $25.85 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
SubForeman +5% of RW $27.15 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
Foreman +10% of RW $28.45 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
Gen Foreman +20% of RW $31.00 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 4% Gross
Period 1 + Period 2 65% of RW $16.80 N/A N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 2% Gross
Period 3 75% of RW $19.40 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 3% Gross
Period 4 85% of RW $22.00 $1.00 N/A $13.19 $1.15 3% Gross $0.30 $0.01 $0.20 3% Gross

* Work Dues are an Employee Deduction. Fringe Benefits are based on Hours Worked.