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The use of this website relating to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union No. 43 (the “Union”) is subject to the following “Legal Conditions and Terms of Use.” By proceeding and using this website relating to the Union you acknowledge acceptance of these terms.

You may use this website to generally learn about the Union. However, the Union does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, or other items contained on this site, and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in these materials, and disclaims all warranties expressed or implied. While the Union intends to provide accurate information on this website, it cannot guarantee that all the information was installed properly and/or is current at the time it may be viewed.

In no event, will the Union, its officers, service providers, or other third parties who may be mentioned on this site, be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the reliance, use inability to use, or the results of use of this site, any websites linked to this site or the materials or information contained at any or all such sites. If the Union has provided links to outside sites, it is solely as a convenience to the user and the Union is not responsible for the content or the availability of these sites. The Union does not regularly review materials posted on the linked sites, nor does it endorse all of the materials appearing at such sites. Any use of the links provided to other sites shall be at the sole risk of the user.

To begin the Registration process, click on the “Portals” link above.

From the Portals Page Click the Benefit Fund Portal

The Login screen will be displayed as seen below. Click REGISTER. (under the Login button)

The next screen is the Registration screen.

  1. Enter your “Desired Username”. This should be a user name you can easily remember.
    • Please note if the user name you request has already been reserved by another member, you will be prompted to select another username.
  2. Enter your “Benefit Fund ID”. This is the unique ID number provided to you in the mail by the Local.
  3. Enter your Social Security Number. We use your SSN in combination with the Benefit Fund ID to confirm your identity.
    • This is the only time the site will ask for your SSN.
  4. Enter your email address.
  5. Click on the “Register” button.
  6. A successful registration will be confirmed via the screen below and a temporary password will be emailed to you.

  7. NOTE: Your registration confirmation will be sent from: noreply@ibew43fund.org Please be sure to whitelist that address with your Junk Email filter.

Once you have received your temporary password, you can proceed with the Login process.


Enter your Username

Enter your Password

Click and you will be taken to your data.

First Time Users or After Password Recovery

Change your password

The first page presented to you requires you to create a new Password unique to you.

  • Do not use passwords such as family names, street names, pet names and birthdays,which are easily guessed.
  • It is better to construct a password by combining randomly selected letters and numbers. If a string of random letters and numbers is difficult to remember, try using two unrelated words combined with a number (for example, two3four).
  • It is recommended that you change your password every 30 days.

View your Online Account Information

You can now view your family information, recent work history, and account balances. A Benefit Fund Portal User Guide is available to you by clicking on the “User Guide” link at the top of the Member Details page.

If you cannot locate your Benefit Fund ID, please contact the Fund Office for Recovery options.

Contact info click here

If you forget or lose your Username, click on the "Forgot Username" link on the Login screen and shown below:

From the next screen, enter the email address you used to Register.

Click on the Button

The system will return you to the Login screen.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email with your username. Follow the instructions presented in the LOGIN section above.

NOTE: Your recovery information will be sent from: noreply@ibew43fund.org Please be sure to whitelist that address with your Junk Email filter.

If you forget or lose your Password, click on the “Forgot password?” link on the Login screen. Example highlighted below.

From the next screen enter your email address and click on the “Email Temporary Password” button.

The system will return you to the “Login” screen.

Within a few minutes, you will receive an email with your new temporary password. Follow the instructions presented in the “LOGIN” section above.

NOTE: Your recovery information will be sent from: noreply@ibew43fund.org Please be sure to whitelist that address with your Junk Email filter.

    Install readily available software which protects your computer from viruses, hackers, malware, and other intrusive threats to your privacy. An Internet keyword search for "malware and virus protection" will yield a variety of software products available for this purpose.
    Anyone to whom you give your access information could access your account information and account balances without your knowledge and authorization. You are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your Username and Password. The Local cannot take responsibility for account access resulting from your failure to protect your access information.
    Most computers can be configured to activate a screen saver that pops up after a few minutes of inactivity. The screen saver hides the information on your screen from others while you are away from your computer. You can configure most screen savers to ask the user for a password before gaining access to the computer.
    Some Web browsers and third‐party software provide the option to automatically remember your Username and Password. Please take care in using these features as stored passwords can be used by anyone with access to your computer.
    Public access to the Internet is offered in many libraries, airports, copy centers and coffee shops. We discourage you from accessing the Local 43 Member Portals through a public computer.