Photo Up-loader
We're always on the lookout for unique and interesting photos of our members at work in the local area. With
smartphones everywhere we want you to click and send. If possible, include a short description and names of members in the images.
Hi-Resolution images are preferred but we will look at them all. Many will be used on this website and or for promotional material.
You can send jpg, jpeg, gif, tif or png images.
Only have 1 or 2 images? Email them to:
but because email has its limits, use the
upload files dialog and upload multiple images all at once.
You can upload up to ten images at a time, and each one can by up to 2 MB in size. Click Browse/Choose File
to locate your files. If applicable, please enter a description of the photo. Enter your email address
and click SUBMIT.
By uploading or emailing images you hereby grant the IBEW Local 43 the unrestricted right to use and publish
photographs or other images, in any print, electronic, digital or other media.