Important Info (sticky)


Seasons Greeting's Brothers and Sisters,

During the course of the year, we are all busy trying to balance all aspects of our lives, from work to family to friends to health. So, it is during the holiday season I like to slow down for a second and reflect.

As 2024 draws to a close, I would like to personally thank the members and staff of IBEW Local 43 for all the outstanding work you do throughout the year to make our local union great! Whether it’s the work you do on a job site or out in our community, each and every one of you works tirelessly to make sure that our contractors and customers receive the very best.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.


Alan Marzullo
Business Manager
IBEW Local 43

Lights on the Lake 2024 Join Us!

Lights on the Lake is a two mile long drive-thru show featuring hundreds of holiday displays with over 600,000 lights! Sections include a larger-than life Land of Oz, a twinkling fantasy forest, holiday traditions, a fairy tale magic grand finale and more! Over 40,000 vehicles drive through the show each season, making Lights on the Lake one of Central New York’s favorite holiday traditions!


IBEW LOCAL 43 – Delta Dental Microsite

Reminder – Teladoc Health is included in your health benefits

We're here to help you and your family feel better while traveling, at work, or at home - day or night. Whereever you are, you've got access to providers all year long by phone or video.

Get treatment for:
  • Flu
  • Rashes
  • Pink eye
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinus Infections
  • Sore Throats
  • Allergies
  • And more...

Get Care 24/7 for $54 or less
Call 1-800-TELADOC (800-835-2362) | Download the app

Refer to your employee booklet at for Teladoc benefits.


All Members

Monthly meetings are: (unless otherwise listed)
6:00 PM
ETA Training Center
4566 Waterhouse Road
Clay, NY 13041

Tuesday - January 7th 2025
General Agenda

TUESDAY - February 4th, 2025
General Agenda

Retirees Club

Next meeting:
December 18th, 2024 @ 10AM - at the Union Hall

Where we will head to Avicolli's Restaurant in Liverpool for our Holiday luncheon.

Our Retiree' s Meetings are a great way to stay in touch! All retirees, wives and retiree' widows welcome. Please join us!

Listed below are some jobs our members have recently worked on:
Due to our organizing efforts, some of Local 43's successes in the construction field. Please remember to patronize our customers.
  • Spectrum Wireless, Oswego -- $50,000
  • ADK Gas Station, Herkimer -- $100,000
  • Renewed Vitality, Fulton -- $15,000
  • Take-5 Oil Change, New hartford -- $80,000
  • Connext Care, Oswego -- $3,0000,000
  • Drake Health, Camillus -- $100,000
  • Aquari LED, Camillus -- $145,000
  • Classy Chassis, Fayetteville -- $105,000

Local 43 notes the passing of these members, with gratitude for their service to the IBEW.

Norman E. Landers, passed away on December 3, 2024 at age 60. Brother Landers was initiated into Local 43 in 1989. He was an IBEW member for 35 years.

Union Office Important Info

Effective immediately you can now view available jobs all day everyday from any PC, Tablet or Smartphone. ( Note: Bidding on Jobs is still restricted to the unemployed daily from 5:00PM until 9:00AM the next day, and all day holidays and weekends )

To begin, login to the Referral Portal at: Web Portal Login (click here) If this is your first time visiting the portal there are instructions for setting up a new password. After the initial login all future login's are quick and easy. Check it out today.


Be aware that all private sector workers in NYS are now covered under the state's new sick and safe leave law, regardless of industry, occupation, part-time status, overtime exempt status, and seasonal status.

The law requires employers with five or more employees to provide employees with paid sick leave and safe leave.

The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) has notified all signotory contractor's of their obligation under this law. We will continue to work with our contrctor's regarding this responsibility.


  • September 30, 2020: Covered employees in NYS will start to accrue leave at a rate of one hour for every 30 hours worked.
  • January 1, 2021: Employees may start using ccrued leave.


  • Employees will receive an amount of sick leave depending on the size of their employer.


0-4 --- If net income is $1 Million or less in the previous tax year, the employer is required to provide up to 40 hours of unpaid sick leave per calendar year.
0-4 --- If new income is $1 Million or less in the previous tax year, the employer is required to provide up to 40 hours of unpaid sick leave per calendar year.
5-99 --- Up to 40 hours of unpaid sick leave per calendar year. 100+ --- Up to 56 hours of unpaid sick leave per calendar year.

Please check out the New York State website for more detailed information. Click Here.

2025 Quarterly Dues Payment Effective January 1, 2025

The following rates will apply for dues payments covering January 2025 through December 2025.

Effective January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025 the quarterly dues are $139.50 per quarter. Effective July 1, 2025, there will be a per capita increase of $1.00/month or $3.00/quarter for all members.

*** Payments are owed the first month of each quarter ***

  • 1st Quarter   - (03 months owed January 1st 2025) - $139.50        (paying Jan/Feb/Mar)
  • 2nd Quarter - (03 months owed April 1st, 2025) - $139.50            (paying Apr/May/Jun)
  • 3rd Quarter -  (03 months owed July 1st, 2025) - $142.50             (paying Jul/Aug/Sep)
  • 4th Quarter -  (03 months owed October 1st, 2025) - $142.50      (paying Oct/Nov/Dec)

REMINDER -  A $30.00 Reinstatement Fee will be added if your dues are not paid before the end of each quarter.

  • Mail a Personal Check or Money Order; we will then mail your yellow Dues Receipt to your home address
  • Have your bank auto-pay from your account with a Bank Check; we will then mail your yellow Dues Receipt to your home address
  • Pay online via Credit/Debit Card through our website Referral Portal; we will then mail your yellow Dues Receipt to your home address*
  • Stop into the Union Office during normal business hours and pay via Cash, Check, Money Order or Credit/Debit Card

* NOTE: An Electronic Convenience Fee (ECF of approximately 3%) is added to all credit/debit card dues transactions, the exact amount of the ECF will be displayed before you agree to pay.

Brothers and Sisters Know
Your Weingarten Rights!

Weingarten Rights: “I believe this discussion could lead to my being disciplined. I therefore request that my union representative or officer be present to assist me at the meeting. I further request reasonable time to consult with my union representative regarding the subject and purpose of the meeting. Please consider this a continuing request; without representation I shall not participate in the discussion. I shall not consent to any searches or tests affecting my person, property, or effects without first consulting with my union representatives.”

The Syracuse Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists are holding virtual meetings the third Tuesday of every month @ 5:30 pm. Please contact King Davis @ 315-415-9954 or to Renew or Register for membership and to receive a ZOOM meeting invite for the meetings.

The CBTU welcomes all union members!

Dues Payment Alert

The IBEW International Office will no longer accept dues payments that have a reinstatement activity unless they are paid through the current quarter.

This means that if you wish to pay your dues this month and you are currently one or more quarters in arrears, you will need to pay all overdue quarters and the current quarter along with the reinstatement fee to bring your account up-to-date.

Please call the union office if you have any questions. 315-422-0435

Fund Office Important Info


Everyone has financial questions or issues from time to time, and the NexGen EAP Benefit, provided to you by your employer, provides financial consultations and resourcses at not cost to you.

  • Consult with a Finincial Professional to discuss issues such as: Credit debt management, bankruptcy, debt consolidation, student loans, tax questions, invenstments, retirement planning, loans, and much more.
  • Access one free 90-minute consultations per issue, each year
  • Receive quidance, have questions answered, ghet assistance with creditors, receive a customized action plan with next steps, and more
  • Completly CONFIDENTIAL

Available to you and your eligible family members!
1.800.327.2255 | Log-on at | Mobile App: NextGenEAP


Free, Confidential Counseling Services provided by Mental Health Professionals are available either in-person or over the phone. We encourage you and your eligible family members to take advantage of this benefit whenever you feel that life is getting too stressful.

Call 1.800.327.2255
Our Membership ID is: 93793410 Our Group ID is: 8413


In our current contract - Section 2.19 Tool List - it states In addition, "Journeymen shall be responsible to have verifiable OSHA-10 training and CPR Certified Training." Please call the CNYETA (315-546-0221) to see when the next scheduled classes are available. 

OSHA-10 and CPR training are needed to work in Local 43's jurisdiction as a Journeyman.

CNYETA Important Info

CPR and First Aid Training

Journeymen, Construction Electricians, and Construction Wiremen who need CPR and First Aid training may contact the training center to sign up for the next class. --- 315-546-0221 or by email at:

Reminder to all Journeymen

In our current contract - Section 2.19 Tool List - it states In addition, "Journeymen shall be responsible to have verifiable OSHA-10 training and CPR Certified Training." Please call the CNYETA (315-546-0221) to see when the next scheduled classes are available.

NOTE: OSHA-10 and CPR training are needed to work in Local 43's jurisdiction as a Journeyman.

Newsletter Archive



Union Office 315 422-0435- Alan Marzullo, Business Manager - Pat Harrington, President - Job Referral - Dues - Membership Development

FUNDs Office 315 474-5729- Kevin Koval, Plan Manager - Pension - Health Insurance - Benefits

Training Center 315 546-0221- Raymond Tucker, Training Director - Tom Reap Asst. Training Director - Apprenticeship Program - Training and Safety Classes

© 2025 IBEW Local 43  |  Privacy Policy